19. März 2019


Not only were numerous filmmakers honored at the Diagonale awards ceremony, we also had the chance to celebrate several parties until sunrise.

Responsible for the entire sound post production we are pleased about the following awards:
Earth- best sounddesign documentary- Florian Kindlinger
Chaos - best austrian feature film- Sara Fattahi
She is the other gaze - best cinematography documentary- Christiana Perschon
Gehört, Gesehen - Ein Radiofilm - audiance award - Jakob Brossmann und David Paede
Womit haben wir das verdient? - extraordinary filmproduction- Mona Film
Die Schwingen des Geistes - Thomas Pluch script prize- Albert Meisl

We are also pleased to be part of the following excellent films:
Angelo - best sounddesign feature film- Pia Dumont and Manuel Grandpierre
Angelo - best production design feature film- Andreas Sobotka and Martin Reiter
JOY - best costume design- Carola Pizzini

